Agendas: Please sign your child’s agenda each day, as all important information will be communicated through it. The planner is also a great way of sending me notes as I check it every morning.
Blog: As an elementary this year we have started to blog. There is a whole elementary blog (, which will then lead you to our class blog ( The blog will have up-to-date information regarding field trips, activities, and the schedule for the current and upcoming week. During second and third term, we will also use our class blog to post stories or poems written by students!
Supplies: I know the beginning of the year is very busy, and so I understand if supplies slowly trickle in. I would appreciate all supplies to be sent to school by Tuesday September 14th. The cost of supplies is $50.00, please make cheques payable to White Rock Christian Academy. Student agendas were $7.00 and is payable to the school as well. Please do not write one cheque (supplies and planner), as the accounting is different.
Summer Memories Object: As a way of telling about their summer, students will be asked to bring in an object that reminds them about their summer or something they made/were given/or purchased. Students will use these objects to write about their summer and orally share a memory with the class.
Food/Water: Students are allowed one water bottle at their desk, which they can drink at any time during the day. I also allow students to snack on vegetables and fruit during the course of the day. Students have been made aware of this and the expectation of behaviour that surrounds such a privilege.
Peanut Allergy: Peanuts and nut-based product cannot be consumed at school. We have an allergy to nuts in our class, and for the respect of the student I would ask that you only pack non-nut food products. Please be aware of this with respect to student birthday treats and other sharing of food.
PE: Physical Education starts this Friday. Please send your child’s clothes in a labeled cloth bag, and be sure to label all pieces of their uniform.
Scholastic: We will be participating in scholastic this coming year. When ordering please ensure that you send a cheque for the full amount, cash will not be accepted.
Spelling: Because the first week is so busy, we won’t start spelling until next week.
Email: My school email is I will check my email everyday after school and periodically throughout the day.
Today was great, and I’m very excited for this year!
Miss Wyville
Blog addresses:
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