Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekly Update: January 31th to February 4th

Hello Everyone! 

   I hope you've had a great week of a little bit of school, and a lot of home time! The staff retreat was so amazing, and I know many of us are coming back to school today (Monday) with a renewed connection to God. As a staff we went to Galiano Island, to stay with two professors from Regent College, and to hear and learn from their story.

This week we are participating in a school-wide Science Fair. Our experiment has been to change the environment of flowering plants, which has been really interesting. During the evening there is an opportunity for parents to come and view the exhibits. If you're able to, please come and see the awesome job your child has done! 

I hope everyone has been able to read over and talk with their child about Lunchbox Olympics! This three week challenge starts on Wednesday. I wanted to let you know of a few details with respect to LB Olympics: 1. Lunch snacks are included in the medal standings, for example if your child has carrots for a snack that will count towards a gold 2. Juice is NOT included in the fruit category due to its high fructose levels 3. Part of this challenge is for your child to become involved in the packing of their lunch 4. I will allow granola bars as a grain, but fruit gummies and other packaged snacks are NOT included. If you have any questions regarding LB Olympics, ask your child first and then please feel free to come and see me! 

Lastly, next Thursday (Feb. 10) we'll be travelling with the Grade Two class to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Permission forms are due this MONDAY. I will be contacting those parents that checked the 'yes' box this week. I've never been to the VSO, so this field trip will be a highlight for the students, but also for myself! If you have any questions, please see me after school this week. Thanks! 

Mrs. Kullman 

Next Week: January 31- February 4th
Verse of the Week: Matthew 8:27

Monday: New Verse, Library, PE, Science (If you didn't hand it in last week) & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
Jan 31st:

Tuesday: JGB: The Fisherman & His Wife

Wednesday: Lunchbox Olympics Start! Science Fair! 


Friday: (Mrs. Kullman away at a curriculum meeting) PE, Chapel, VSO Field trip permission forms due back today!

Next Week: January 7th-11th 
VIP: Verse of the Week: Mark 6:34a

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math Due

Open House 7-9pm 
Book Talk Schedule
February 7th: 

Tuesday: JGB: Ooka & the Honest Theft 

Wednesday: Pioneer Field Trip Permission Forms go home (Due back: )

Thursday: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra field tripMath homework sent home, due Monday 

Friday: PE, Special K-6 Performance: The Big Sneeze @ 1:30 (all welcome)

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