Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekly Update: January 16th to 21st

Hello Grade Three Community,

 Since we've started our unit on Space, we've been having great conversations regarding creation and other people's beliefs. As an educator I feel it's important for me to know that my students are learning about various cultural beliefs regarding creation and space. We have had various opportunities as a class to discuss, view, and develop an understanding for what other people might believe and why. On Friday we watched a movie that mentioned the Big Bang Theory, and then on Monday we learned about the Aboriginal legend regarding the Heavens. The perspective I hold is that by learning about these other beliefs we are able to one day enter into conversation with others without being naive or misinformed. One student shared that he has a friend who believes in a different god. The student told the class he wants to understand what he himself believes and what his friend believes so he can talk to his friend. That being said, we are also reviewing Genesis and what it tells us about the love and grace of our God as seen in creation. It's these moments in education that I love; times where we as a learning community are growing and develop our heads, hearts, and spirit.

I also wanted to thank you parents for all the hard work and support you've given to your child in the past week with respect to homework. I have extended the due date for the Science homework, as we've   had no starry nights in the past week. Also, due to our Wednesday Snow Day the pioneer assignment has been moved to this week, with the due date being Tuesday January 25th. Next week the staff will be away for a three day retreat. Please make note that students will not be in school from Wednesday (Jan. 26th) to Friday (Jan. 28th).

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Kullman

Next week: Jan 17-21
Verse: Luke 10:27 

Monday: New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Science (Delayed due to weather: Due next week) & Math homework due

Tuesday: Junior Great Books: Read "The Man Whose Trade was Tricks" to or with your child

Wednesday:Pioneer assignment due NEXT Tuesday (Change due to Snow Day)

Thursday: Math Homework; due Monday, Scholastic Due 
Friday: PE

Next Week: January 24-28
Verse of the Week: 

Monday (MATH REVIEW): New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Science (Due if weather cooperates) & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
Jan 24th: 
David D.

Tuesday (MATH REVIEW): NO JGB , Pioneer assignment due

Wednesday: NO SCHOOL Math Homework sent home 

Thursday: NO SCHOOL 

Friday: NO SCHOOL 

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