Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekly Update: January 31th to February 4th

Hello Everyone! 

   I hope you've had a great week of a little bit of school, and a lot of home time! The staff retreat was so amazing, and I know many of us are coming back to school today (Monday) with a renewed connection to God. As a staff we went to Galiano Island, to stay with two professors from Regent College, and to hear and learn from their story.

This week we are participating in a school-wide Science Fair. Our experiment has been to change the environment of flowering plants, which has been really interesting. During the evening there is an opportunity for parents to come and view the exhibits. If you're able to, please come and see the awesome job your child has done! 

I hope everyone has been able to read over and talk with their child about Lunchbox Olympics! This three week challenge starts on Wednesday. I wanted to let you know of a few details with respect to LB Olympics: 1. Lunch snacks are included in the medal standings, for example if your child has carrots for a snack that will count towards a gold 2. Juice is NOT included in the fruit category due to its high fructose levels 3. Part of this challenge is for your child to become involved in the packing of their lunch 4. I will allow granola bars as a grain, but fruit gummies and other packaged snacks are NOT included. If you have any questions regarding LB Olympics, ask your child first and then please feel free to come and see me! 

Lastly, next Thursday (Feb. 10) we'll be travelling with the Grade Two class to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Permission forms are due this MONDAY. I will be contacting those parents that checked the 'yes' box this week. I've never been to the VSO, so this field trip will be a highlight for the students, but also for myself! If you have any questions, please see me after school this week. Thanks! 

Mrs. Kullman 

Next Week: January 31- February 4th
Verse of the Week: Matthew 8:27

Monday: New Verse, Library, PE, Science (If you didn't hand it in last week) & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
Jan 31st:

Tuesday: JGB: The Fisherman & His Wife

Wednesday: Lunchbox Olympics Start! Science Fair! 


Friday: (Mrs. Kullman away at a curriculum meeting) PE, Chapel, VSO Field trip permission forms due back today!

Next Week: January 7th-11th 
VIP: Verse of the Week: Mark 6:34a

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math Due

Open House 7-9pm 
Book Talk Schedule
February 7th: 

Tuesday: JGB: Ooka & the Honest Theft 

Wednesday: Pioneer Field Trip Permission Forms go home (Due back: )

Thursday: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra field tripMath homework sent home, due Monday 

Friday: PE, Special K-6 Performance: The Big Sneeze @ 1:30 (all welcome)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Update: January 24th to 28st

Hello Parents,

  Short week, so here's a short blog....

Hope everyone is well!

Mrs. Kullman

This Week: January 24-28
Verse of the Week: No Verse... due to short week 

Monday (MATH REVIEW): No Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Science (If not handed in today, please complete next week)

Book Talk Schedule
Jan 24th: 
David D.

Tuesday (MATH REVIEW): NO JGB , Pioneer assignment due, Lunchbox Olympics parent letter sent home.

Wednesday: NO SCHOOL Math Homework sent home (Due Monday Jan. 31)

Thursday: NO SCHOOL 

Friday: NO SCHOOL 

Next Week: January 31- February 4th
VIP: ????
Verse of the Week: Matthew 8:27

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, Science (If you didn't hand it in last week) & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
Jan 31st: 

Tuesday: JGB: The Fisherman & His Wife

Wednesday: Lunchbox Olympics Start! 

Thursday: Science Fair!, Math homework sent home, due Monday 

Friday: PE, Chapel, VSO Field trip permission forms due back today!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Exciting News!

Hello Parents,

  I just wanted to tell you the exciting news that I told the Grade Threes today; Geoff and I are expecting our first child! Yes, that's right, I'm pregnant. The students have decided they should be involved in the naming process... we'll see what Geoff has to say about that... ha ha! I'm due the middle of July, so I will  be completing this year and then taking a year off for maternity leave.

Have a wonderful evening!

Mrs. Kullman

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekly Update: January 16th to 21st

Hello Grade Three Community,

 Since we've started our unit on Space, we've been having great conversations regarding creation and other people's beliefs. As an educator I feel it's important for me to know that my students are learning about various cultural beliefs regarding creation and space. We have had various opportunities as a class to discuss, view, and develop an understanding for what other people might believe and why. On Friday we watched a movie that mentioned the Big Bang Theory, and then on Monday we learned about the Aboriginal legend regarding the Heavens. The perspective I hold is that by learning about these other beliefs we are able to one day enter into conversation with others without being naive or misinformed. One student shared that he has a friend who believes in a different god. The student told the class he wants to understand what he himself believes and what his friend believes so he can talk to his friend. That being said, we are also reviewing Genesis and what it tells us about the love and grace of our God as seen in creation. It's these moments in education that I love; times where we as a learning community are growing and develop our heads, hearts, and spirit.

I also wanted to thank you parents for all the hard work and support you've given to your child in the past week with respect to homework. I have extended the due date for the Science homework, as we've   had no starry nights in the past week. Also, due to our Wednesday Snow Day the pioneer assignment has been moved to this week, with the due date being Tuesday January 25th. Next week the staff will be away for a three day retreat. Please make note that students will not be in school from Wednesday (Jan. 26th) to Friday (Jan. 28th).

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Kullman

Next week: Jan 17-21
Verse: Luke 10:27 

Monday: New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Science (Delayed due to weather: Due next week) & Math homework due

Tuesday: Junior Great Books: Read "The Man Whose Trade was Tricks" to or with your child

Wednesday:Pioneer assignment due NEXT Tuesday (Change due to Snow Day)

Thursday: Math Homework; due Monday, Scholastic Due 
Friday: PE

Next Week: January 24-28
Verse of the Week: 

Monday (MATH REVIEW): New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Science (Due if weather cooperates) & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
Jan 24th: 
David D.

Tuesday (MATH REVIEW): NO JGB , Pioneer assignment due

Wednesday: NO SCHOOL Math Homework sent home 

Thursday: NO SCHOOL 

Friday: NO SCHOOL 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekly Update: January 10th to 14th

Hello Grade Three Community!

I've been waiting for this week to arrive, and here it is! I was so excited today to read the first JGB (Junior Great Books) story to the students; everyone seemed to really love it! If you weren't at the parent meeting Thursday or Today (Monday), please see notes after the weekly update that outline those items on the agenda. There will be a lot going on the next month or so. I will update the blog as much as possible, but please be diligent at checking every week! Also, today in library the students were assigned a book report. Below you will find the assignment due dates for all the students. They have been encouraged to pick a picture book to complete their assignment on. They are to complete the page and on their assigned Monday they will present their book to the class during library time. This WEDNESDAY our class photo will take place during the morning period. Please send your child to school in their PROPER WINTER UNIFORM. This includes their cardigan or sweater.

This Week:
Verse: Mark 7:9 or Matthew 7:16a-17
VIP: Meg

Monday: New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Parent Meeting 2:40-2:55 (repeat from Thursday), Science homework sent home; due NEXT Monday Jan. 17

Tuesday: Junior Great Books: Read "The Banza" to or with your child, Spelling Bee words sent home to practice (verbal spelling bee to take place Janurary 20th). 
Wednesday: Class Photo (Students to wear their proper winter uniform), Pioneer assignment sent home: Due Jan 19th

Thursday: Math Homework; due Monday Jan. 17

Friday: Chapel, PE

Next week: Jan 17-21

Monday: New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Science & math homework due

Tuesday: Junior Great Books: Read "The Man Whose Trade was Tricks" to or with your child

Wednesday:Pioneer assignment due

Thursday: Math Homework; due Monday

Friday: PE

Parent Meeting Notes: 

  • Junior Great Books: 
    • Focus on this reading program is critical thinking and asking higher levelled questions
    • Every Tuesday your child will bring home a new story to be read. These students are based on legends, myths, or folktales, and are at a higher reading level. Please either read the story to your child or with your child. The reason we send the story home is do they will develop a deeper understanding of the story, and thus will be able to participate in the class discussion that takes places on Wednesday mornings. 
    • Please take some time, after the reading the story with your child, to discuss questions they have and the deeper meaning of the story
    • Please note; that one story mentions nakedness. We discuss this when we first read it. It always makes for interesting discussion! 
  •    Science:
    • On February 3rd we will be participating in a school-wide Science Fair. We have decided to do our experiment on plants and finding the best environment for these plants inside our classroom. 
    • Our term two science topic is space. Today we discussed aboriginal legends that try to explain how the heavens were put into place.  We will be exploring constellations, stars, phases of the moon, and planets. 
    • Periodically I will be sending home activities for you to do with your child. I will be a week to get them completed, and they take about 15 minutes. Most of them involve watching the night sky or describing the moon. Thanks for your participation. 
  • Speech Contest: 
    • This year we will be participating in a speech contest. One day after school I will have a variety of ONE PAGE poems available for you and your child to pick from. If you'd rather find one on your own, that is fine but please make sure its ONE PAGE in length. 
  • Spelling Bee: I'll be sending home a list of spelling bee words to practice for our January 20th Spelling Bee. These words plus others will be used for the spelling bee. This is for fun only, and is a way that students can get ready for next year's competition. Have fun studying! 
Book Talk Schedule
Jan 24th: 
David D.

Jan 31st: 
David I.

Feb 7th:

Feb 14th. 

Feb 21st:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weekly Update: January 4th to 7th

Welcome back!

   I hope and trust that everyone had a wonderful Christmas break. I know I sure did! I'm very excited to be back; I love term 2! This term we will be starting a unit on Space, Pioneers, addition/subtraction, and the most exciting part is our Language Art program called Junior Great books. I would love to introduce parents to the curriculum and thought behind Junior Great books (its a passion of mine). On Thursday (this week) and Monday (next week) I'll be hosting a SHORT information session after school regarding Junior Great Books (JGB) and other learning initiative we'll be participating in this term. We'll start at 2:40 both days, and the meeting should last only for 10-15 minutes. Thanks, I appreciate your support!

I also wanted to thank everyone for their thoughtful Christmas gifts. During the break I was able to read books, go to Starbucks, listen to music, as well as enjoy all of the other wonderful Christmas treats. Thank you so much!

This Week:
VIP: No one, as we're just getting back into the swing of things!

Monday: No School....last day of relaxation!

Tuesday: New Verse


Thursday: Verse dictation, Parent Meeting 2:40-2:55

Friday: PE, Chapel

Next Week:
Words of the week:

Monday: New Verse, Spelling homework, PE, Parent Meeting 2:40-2:55 (repeat from Thursday)

Tuesday: Junior Great Books: Read "The Banza" to or with your child



Friday: Chapel (We're in charge of it!---Students are to bring a Green shirt to wear---curious... come watch us!), PE