Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sports Day Information

WRCA Sports Day
May 31, 2011
Dear Elementary Parents,

On Friday, June 10th, we will be having our annual Elementary Sports Day and Picnic lunch. In case of bad weather, we will have an Indoor Sports Day in the gym. Also, as a way of making Sports Day special, we’re teaming up with FUEL to offer students a special lunch. If you are interested in purchasing a lunch for your child, please check the box below. Order forms will be sent home early next week.
We greatly rely on parent volunteers to help this day run smoothly and successfully and if you are able to help out, please fill out the form below by Monday, June 6th and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Thank you!
Melissa Kullman (grade 3 teacher)

Please return to the classroom teacher by June 6th.

Sports Day Volunteer—Please indicate if you would like to be a leader of a group or work at a station!

Name: _____________________________

_____ Yes, I am able to help out on Friday, June 10th for Sports Day
_______ lead a class group __________ Work at a station

I can be reached at: Phone #________________ or Email__________________

Yes, I would be interested in ordering food from FUEL for my child on Sports Day
______ YES ________No

Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekly Update: May 30th- June 3rd

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all those we accompanied us to A Rocha. We enjoyed a wonderful of exploration and fun! We were all very thankful for the sunshine and nice weather! If any parents have pictures from that day and won't mind sharing, could you please email me them. Thanks!

This week is our last quiet work week before end of the school wrap up begins. Tomorrow, Tuesday, parent volunteer forms are going home regarding Sports Day. If you're available on June 10th to help, we'd very much appreciate any help we could get! Also, this evening beach day forms are going home. Beach Day is next Wednesday, and again, parent help is much appreciated!

Next week: May 30-June 3rd
VIP: Mrs. Kullman
Verse: Matthew 27:54 (Last Verse)

Monday: Math & Science due, check blog, New Verse, Beach Day permission forms going home

Tuesday: Spelling due, Sports Day Information going home!

Wednesday: Society Meeting

Thursday: Math & Science homework (due Monday),

Friday: PE, Last chapel of the year, Beach Day Permission due back to school

Next week: June 6th-10th
Verse: Catch-up!

Monday: Math due, check blog, New Verse

Tuesday: Spelling due

Wednesday: BEACH DAY! 9:50-2:30 Crescent Beach & then a picnic at Crescent Park

Thursday: Math homework (due Monday)

Friday: SPORTS DAY!, Early Dismissal 1:10

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weekly Update: May 24-27th

Hello Parents,

This week we'll be travelling to Arocha for field trip. Please know that we'll be going regardless of the weather, so please dress your child appropriately. We'll be tramping through the forest, exploring streams, and developing our knowledge of local plants and their connection to our environment. If you're wanting to join us for the afternoon, and aren't already committed to driving, please feel free to come! The more the merrier! Just let me know via email or in-person. For those accompanying us, please note that we need to leave a little earlier than originally planned for. We will be leaving at 11:30 and returning at 2:15pm. Let's all pray for wonderful weather!

This week: May 23-27
VIP: Mrs. Hildebrand
Verse: Matthew 26:64

Monday: NO SCHOOL! Happy Victoria Day!

Tuesday: Math & Spelling due, check blog

Wednesday: Field trip permission forms DUE!

Thursday: Math & Science homework (due Monday)

Friday: PE, Please remember to send your child's car seat to school, 12:00 departure to Arocha

Next week: May 30-June 3rd
VIP: Mrs. Kullman
Verse: Matthew 27:54 (Last Verse)

Monday: Math & Science due, check blog, New Verse

Tuesday: Spelling due, Sports Day Information going home!

Wednesday: Society Meeting

Thursday: Math & Science homework (due Monday)

Friday: PE, Beach Day Permission forms go home

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thanks Parents!

We now have enough drivers for the field trip. Thanks to all who are driving or offered!

Mrs. Kullman

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekly Update: May 16-20

Hello Grade Three Parents,

On May 27th we will be spending the afternoon at Arocha, which is a local Christian Conservation society that aims to educate others about plants and their impact on our local environment. This is always my favourite field trip of the year! I'm letting you know about this early as I am in need of your assistance. Unfortunately that's the same day as the Middle School water slides day, and they need all the busses. Therefore, to still go we need at least 4-6 parent drivers. If you are available that day and wouldn't mind driving, please either see me after school or write me a note in your child's planner. Thank-you!

This Friday is Grandparent/friend day! We will be partaking in a special lunch treat, so only snacks are needed. I'm very excited to meet the students' grandparents/friends!

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs. Kullman

Next week: May 16-20
VIP: David D
Verse: Luke 22:51

Monday:Library, PE, Math & Social Studies due, Check blog, Spelling Homework

Tuesday:  Spelling due


Thursday: Math & Spelling homework (Due Tuesday)

Friday: PE, Grandparent/friend day! Soup for lunch, please pack snacks only. 

Next week: May 23-27
VIP: Mrs. Hildebrand 
Verse: Matthew 26:64

Monday: NO SCHOOL! Happy Victoria Day! 

Tuesday: Math & Spelling due, check blog

Wednesday: Field trip permission forms DUE!

Thursday: Math & grammar homework (due Monday)

Friday: PE, Please remember to send your child's car seat to school, 12:00 departure to Arocha

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekly Update: May 9th-13th

Hello Grade Three Community,

   Happy belated Mother's Day! You're kids were so excited to give you their gifts, which they worked so hard on! I hope you had a wonderful day together.

  A few reminders and things to notify you about regarding May/June:

-May 17th: Scholastic due (second last one of the year!)
-May 20th: Grandparent/Grandfriend day! Invitations went home today.
-May 27th: Field Trip. Parent volunteers are needed!
-June 8th: K-3 Beach day. Parent volunteers are needed!
-June 10th: Sports day. Again Parent volunteers are needed!

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs. Kullman

This Week: May 9st-May 13th
VIP: Francis 
Verse of the Week: John 13:14

Sunday: Happy Mothers day!

Monday:Library, PE, Math & Social Studies due Check blog, Spelling Homework

Tuesday:  Spelling due


Thursday: Math & Science homework (Due Monday)

Friday: PE, Chapel

Next week: May 16-20
VIP: David D
Verse: Luke 22:51

Monday:Library, PE, Math & Social Studies due Check blog, Spelling Homework

Tuesday:  Spelling due


Thursday: Math homework (Due Monday)

Friday: PE, Grandparent/friend day! Soup for lunch, please pack snacks only. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekly Update: May 2-5th

Happy May!

  The month of nicer weather, we hope, and our last whole month together as a class community.

Next Week: May 1st-May 5th
VIP: Tamara
Verse of the Week: Luke 22:20

Monday:Library, PE, Math & Grammar due Check blog, Spelling Homework

Tuesday:  Spelling due, New Verse 


Thursday: Math & Social Studies homework 

Friday: PE, Gr. 3 Chapel

Next Week: May 9st-May 13th
Verse of the Week: Luke 22:20

Sunday: Happy Mothers day!

Monday:Library, PE, Math & Social Studies due Check blog, Spelling Homework

Tuesday:  Spelling due


Thursday: Math & Science homework 

Friday: PE, View Day, Chapel