Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekly Update: February 21st-25th

Hello Parents, 

  I hope you're enjoying the last days of February. I heard a cold snap is headed our way; please make sure your child is sent to school with appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. On Friday the students started an art assignment that, with their permission and yours, can be entered into a government of Canada art contest. The due date to have the poster and permission form completed is Thursday morning. I will be sending out our entries on Friday.

Also, on Thursday we'll be having our term 2 Student-led conferences. This is a time when your child is able to show-off their work and progress this term. I would encourage all parents to attend as it's important for you to see their work and for the students to feel proud of all that they've accomplished. If you have concerns about your child's learning, please email me to set-up a time where we can meet one-one-one after school to discuss their progress. Thank you for taking an active role in your child's learning and development!

Mrs. Kullman 

Spirit Week Details:

Monday  - School Spirit Day – Dress up in school colors (white and blue) and paint your faces if you wish.  We will be meeting in the gymnasium during high-school lunch (11:15-11:45) for a pep rally to celebrate our basketball teams making it to Fraser Valley Playoffs.  
Tuesday – Neon/Crazy Hair Day - Wear your brightest neon colors and wear your hair as crazy as possible.  
Wednesday – Pink Shirt (anti-bullying)/High Five Day – Raise awareness about anti-bullying by wearing your brightest pink shirt.  Add some positive vibe by giving everyone around the school high fives.  Teachers please spend a few minutes during first block discussing the anti-bullying initiative. 
Thursday – Graffiti Shirt Day – Students will wear a plain white T-shirt and get other students to write encouraging notes on their shirt. 

This Week: February 21th-25th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Matthew 6:9-10 (The Lord's Prayer) 

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, Math Due, Sign-up for Student-led conferences 

Book Talk Schedule
Feb 21st:

Tuesday: JGB: The Monster who Grew Smaller 

Wednesday: Early Dismissal 1:10

Thursday:Student led Conferences 3:30-5:30 & then again at 6:00-7:00 pm. Math homework sent home (due Monday), Art Contest forms due! 

Friday: NO SCHOOL PRO-D Day 

Next Week: February 28th-March 4th
VIP: Verse of the WeekMark 14:36 

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math

Tuesday: JGB: The Selkie Girl  


Thursday:Math homework sent home (due Monday)

Friday:  PE, Chapel 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Student-led Conference Sign-up

The sign-up for Student-led conferences is now posted on the board inside the classroom (purple sheet). Please sign-up as soon as you can!

Mrs. Kullman

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekly Update: February 14th-18th

Hello Parents,

I hope you've had a great Valentines day, and that you've been able to spend sometime with the people you love! I know I have; your kids (cheesy I know... but I really do mean it!). Hopefully you've heard all about the VSO, which was a huge success due to Mr. MacLoed hard work. I'm looking forward to our field trip this coming Wednesday, when we go to the Surrey Museum to learn about the tools pioneers would have used. The permission form and other information about our pioneer unit will be coming home today. Please let me know if you're able to help with the field trip.

Have a great week,

Mrs. Kullman

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Feb. 24th Student-led conferences starting at 3:30pm and ending at 7:00pm
  • Feb. 25th No School; Pro-d 
  • March 16th Pioneer Day 

This Week: February 14th-18th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Matthew 14:33

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
February 14th:

Tuesday: JGB: It's All the Fault of Adam

Wednesday: Field Trip to Surrey Museum (12-2:30)

Thursday:Math & Science homework sent home (due Monday)

Friday: PE, Chapel

This Week: February 21th-25th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Matthew 6:9-10 (The Lord's Prayer) 

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math/Science Due

Book Talk Schedule
Feb 21st:

Tuesday: JGB: The Monster who Grew Smaller 

Wednesday: Early Dismissal 1:10

Thursday:Student led Conferences 3:30-5:30 & then again at 6:00-7:00 pm. Math homework sent home (due Monday)

Friday: NO SCHOOL PRO-D Day 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Parent Email: sent Friday

Hello Parents,

I promised that students I'd email you regarding Monday. As a way of celebrating the 'day of love', the students are encouraged to dress in red, white, and pink. This means that its a non-uniform day. Also, Mrs. Hildebrand and I will be providing a snack for the students, so treats are not needed. There will be, however, a bake sale happening during our lunch period that will help raise funds for the Seniors grad event. If you'd like please send your child with some money (prices are usually $.25 to $1.00)

Thank you to all of you for your paticipation in Lunchbox Olympics. The students have really shown an interest in having balanced lunches with all four food groups present! Way to go!!

Lastly, there will be a notice going home on Monday letting you know about our field trip next Wednesday afternoon to the Surrey Museum in Cloverdale. We will be exploring tools and artifacts from the pioneer times. I'm very excited for this! I've planned a pioneer day later in the term, which will include them dressing up and participating in a 'box social'. Please check your child's agenda afternoon/evening for the parent letter and permission form.

Continue to check the blog for updates. Thanks!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weekly Update: February 7th to 11th

Hello Grade Three community,

Ah, wasn't those sunny days wonderful and needed! I know that in Grade Three, we were in need some awesome weather! This week was a full week, with tons of learning happening. It was so nice to have a whole week together. I hope you've had a chance to look at your child's science fair booklet; the students did such an AMAZING job preparing for and presenting their project. I was very proud of them and their efforts.

I'm very excited to inform you that we have a new student joining us this Monday! Ebony and his sister will be joining the WRCA community, and we look forward to getting them know them.

Looking ahead to this week, we will be traveling with the Grade two's on Thursday to Vancouver to the Symphony. Ever since Mr. Macleod told me about this trip in the Fall I've been looking forward to it because I've never been to the VSO! For those parents joining us, I'll email you Monday with the details. Thank you for volunteering, it's very appreciated! Please make sure you pack a healthy picnic lunch as we'll be eating in Vancouver.

Lastly, we've had a great start to the Lunchbox Olympics! It's so exciting see students gain an understanding of a healthy lunch, and to have them be part of the meal-choosing process. If you're child hasn't been participating in packing their lunch, I would strongly suggest it! This way they will begin to make healthy food choices, as well as begin to take responsibility for what they put in their bodies! Thank-you for your ongoing support!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Kullman

This Week: Februar 7th-11th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Mark 6:34a

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math Due

Open House 7-9pm
Book Talk Schedule
February 7th:

Tuesday: JGB: Ooka & the Honest Theft

Wednesday: Pioneer Field Trip Permission Forms go home (Due back: Monday February 14th)

Thursday: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra field trip, Math homework sent home (due Monday)

Friday: PE, Special K-6 Performance: The Big Sneeze @ 1:30 (all welcome)

Next Week: February 14th-18th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Matthew 14:33

Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math Due

Book Talk Schedule
February 14th:

Tuesday: JGB: It's All the Fault of Adam

Wednesday: Field Trip to Surrey Museum (12-2:30)

Thursday:Math homework sent home (due Monday)

Friday: PE

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hello Parents,

Yes, today is a non-uniform day. Your child(ren) is welcome to wear jeans or other non-uniform clothing items.


Mrs. Kullman