Hello Parents,
I hope you're enjoying the last days of February. I heard a cold snap is headed our way; please make sure your child is sent to school with appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. On Friday the students started an art assignment that, with their permission and yours, can be entered into a government of Canada art contest. The due date to have the poster and permission form completed is Thursday morning. I will be sending out our entries on Friday.
Also, on Thursday we'll be having our term 2 Student-led conferences. This is a time when your child is able to show-off their work and progress this term. I would encourage all parents to attend as it's important for you to see their work and for the students to feel proud of all that they've accomplished. If you have concerns about your child's learning, please email me to set-up a time where we can meet one-one-one after school to discuss their progress. Thank you for taking an active role in your child's learning and development!
Mrs. Kullman
Spirit Week Details:
Monday - School Spirit Day – Dress up in school colors (white and blue) and paint your faces if you wish. We will be meeting in the gymnasium during high-school lunch (11:15-11:45) for a pep rally to celebrate our basketball teams making it to Fraser Valley Playoffs.
Tuesday – Neon/Crazy Hair Day - Wear your brightest neon colors and wear your hair as crazy as possible.
Wednesday – Pink Shirt (anti-bullying)/High Five Day – Raise awareness about anti-bullying by wearing your brightest pink shirt. Add some positive vibe by giving everyone around the school high fives. Teachers please spend a few minutes during first block discussing the anti-bullying initiative.
Thursday – Graffiti Shirt Day – Students will wear a plain white T-shirt and get other students to write encouraging notes on their shirt.
This Week: February 21th-25th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Matthew 6:9-10 (The Lord's Prayer)
Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, Math Due, Sign-up for Student-led conferences
Book Talk Schedule
Feb 21st:
Tuesday: JGB: The Monster who Grew Smaller
Wednesday: Early Dismissal 1:10
Thursday:Student led Conferences 3:30-5:30 & then again at 6:00-7:00 pm. Math homework sent home (due Monday), Art Contest forms due!
Next Week: February 28th-March 4th
VIP: Verse of the Week: Mark 14:36
Monday: New Verse, Library, Spelling homework, PE, & Math
Tuesday: JGB: The Selkie Girl
Thursday:Math homework sent home (due Monday)
Friday: PE, Chapel