Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekly Update: November 1st-6th

Hello Grade Three Community,

What a busy week last week was! Thank you to all parents for attending P/T conferences. If there is anything else you wish to discuss, please feel free to email me to set-up a time to meet. Also, Dressfest was a success again this year. I'm always amazed how much time and thought goes into the students costumes. Great job!

This week we have a quiet, but busy week as we're about to start some end-of-term projects. One such project is Project Build. The students will be working as construction companies solving a structural problem. This project is based on Inquiry Theory, which states that authentic learning happens when students are presented with a problem and must work together, through various steps, to solve the problem. At the end of November the students will actually be building their planned structural object. We will be needing parent participation to make this project successful. One such way you can help is to save recycled items. Because we are a sustainable classroom, we will be building using recycled materials such as; plastic containers, boxes, toilet paper rolls, string...etc. Also on November 26th you will be invited to come to see the presentation of these structures. This will take place at 2:00 pm on Friday, November 26th.

Thanks again for your continual support,

Mrs. Kullman

This week:

Word of Week: Enthusiasm
VIP: Johannes

Monday: PE, Library, New Verse.




Friday: PE and Chapel

Next Week:
Word of the Week: Remembrance

Monday: PE, Library, New Verse


Wednesday: Remembrance Day assembly at 10:30

Thursday: NO SCHOOL

Friday: PE, Chapel

Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekly Update: October 25th to 29th

Hello Grade three community!

Wow, what a great day we had on Thursday! The Vancouver Writer and Readers festival was amazing. Both authors did a great job of giving us a look into the life of a professional writer. I'm looking forward to the connections students made to their own life as a writer/reader. Below you'll find the schedule for this week. Please note, because of Parent/Teacher interviews Wednesday AND Thursday are early dismissal days (1:10).

Friday is DRESSFEST!!!!! This is a very exciting and fun day for our students. Feel free to be creative with your kids costumes, but please refrain from scary costumes! We will be having our yearly pep rally. At 2:00 that day we will be playing games and having some class free-time. If you are wanting to bring in treats, please pack them with your child to be given to me upon arrival at school or else feel free to drop by between 2:10 and the end of the day.

Word of Week: Empathy
VIP: Bryn

Monday: PE, Library, New Verse. Please sign upon parent board for P/T Interviews. Smile, its photo day!

Tuesday: October Scholastic book orders due

Wednesday:Early Dismissal 1:10

Thursday: Parent/Teacher Interviews, Dismissal @1:10


Word of Week: Enthusiasm

Monday: PE, Library, New Verse.




Friday: PE

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 18th to 21st

This Week: 18th to 21st

Word of the Week: Hypothesis
VIP: Carson

Monday: Library, PE, New Verse

Tuesday: Field Trip forms due

Wednesday: Just another great day to be in Grade three!

Thursday: Field Trip. Please have your child bring a picnic lunch and have them dressed in their uniform. We will be gone from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Friday: No School. Pro-day Day.

Next Week: 25th to 29th

Word of Week: Empathy

Monday: PE, Library, New Verse. Please sign upon parent board for P/T Interviews. Smile, its photo day!

Tuesday: October Scholastic book orders due

Wednesday:Early Dismissal 1:10

Thursday: Parent/Teacher Interviews


Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekly Update: October 4th to 8th

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's now October, and the Fall winds have definitely chilled the air. During our fire drill today, we were all cold. Today I'm sending home a notice about our Thanksgiving dinner. Since my first year of teaching, I've always had the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving with a special luncheon and fun afternoon. Please feel free to talk to me if you are unsure of what to bring.

Thank you for your continually support and prayers!

Miss. Wyville [For the last time ;)]

This Week: Word of the Week -Gratitude-

VIP of week: NO VIP because it's a short week.

Monday: PE (bring PE strip in a cloth bag)
Library(Return last weeks books)


Wednesday: Thanksgiving Celebration. Students will be asked to bring in a cup of a vegetable (carrots, celery, onion...) or meat (Chicken or Turkey). We will be making a Thanksgiving dinner together (Soup).

Wednesday: No Spelling this week

Thursday: No School

Friday: No School

Sunday: Miss. Wyville gets married. All are invited to the ceremony which will take place October 10th @ 2:30. It will be held at Zion Lutheran Church in Cloverdale.

Next Week:

Word of the Week: Question

VIP: Jeremiah

Monday: No School. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday: Miss. Wyville Away until Friday.


Thursday: Scholastic Book orders due.

Friday: Mrs. Kullman Returns
PE and Chapel